# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Harald Sitter # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL # paperwhite - #fcfcfc # icongrey - #4d4d4d # plasmablue - #3daee9 # black - #000000 # Global Property # General settings title-text: "" title-font: "Unifont Regular 14" message-font: "Unifont Regular 14" message-color: "#7f8c8d" message-bg-color: "#4d4d4d" # TODO: whatever is this for? desktop-color: "#000000" # black # title # NOTE: can't put this in a vbox because GRUB is crap and item highlighting # is broken if you put the boot_menu in a vbox... # TODO: file bug report + label { top = 50%-225 # (150+43+32) menu + height + spacer left = 0% width = 100% # text = "Select Operating System" text = "Seleccione Sistema Operativo" align = "center" font = "Unifont Regular 32" color = "#ffffff" } # Show the boot menu + boot_menu { left = 50%-200 width = 400 # NB: this is scooped upwards from the middle. # effectively 50px are below and the remaining 150 above top = 50%-150 height = 200 # Icon icon_width = 4 icon_height = 0 # Item item_height = 33 item_padding = 1 item_icon_space = 0 item_spacing = 1 item_font = "Unifont Regular 16" item_color = "#7f8c8d" selected_item_font = "Unifont Bold 16" selected_item_color = "#ffffff" } + vbox { left = 50%-200 # same as menu top = 50%+113 # (50+16+19+28) half menu + spacer + progress + spacer width = 400 # same as menu + label { width = 400 align = "center" color = "#7f8c8d" font = "Unifont Regular 14" text = "[Enter] Boot the selected OS" } + label { width = 400 align = "center" color = "#7f8c8d" font = "Unifont Regular 14" text = "[Up and Down Key] navigation" } + label { width = 400 align = "center" color = "#7f8c8d" font = "Unifont Regular 14" text = "[E] Edit Selection" } + label { width = 400 align = "center" color = "#7f8c8d" font = "Unifont Regular 14" text = "[C] GRUB Command Line" } } # Show a styled horizontal progress bar + progress_bar { id = "__timeout__" left = 0 top = 100%-32 width = 100% height = 32 show_text = false bar_style = "progress_bar_*.png" highlight_style = "progress_bar_hl_*.png" } # Show text progress bar + progress_bar { id = "__timeout__" left = 50%-200 # same as menu top = 50%+66 # (50+16) half menu + spacer width = 400 # same as menu height = 19 # 14pt show_text = true font = "Unifont Regular 14" text_color = "#7f8c8d" align = "center" text = "@TIMEOUT_NOTIFICATION_MIDDLE@" bar_style = "progress_bar2_*.png" }